Traveling exhibition “My Black Skin: Life Journeys”
Our traveling exhibition “My Black Skin: Life Journeys” was on display in Lower Bavaria for six weeks. Info: On the occasion of the International Week Against Racism 2024, I am presenting the exhibition of the book of the same name “My Black Skin: Life Journeys” in the 500-year-old listed Gothic chapel “Rochuskapelle” in Landshut. The photographs and accompanying texts tell the biographies of 22 successful Black Germans, their successes and how they seized opportunities or created them themselves to achieve their goals. What does black skin mean in professional life? In any case, it doesn’t make your career path any easier. And yet: There are many examples of Black Germans who have made it, but these positive examples are often not known to the general public. Dayan Kodua’s photo exhibition wants to change this: the stories presented are intended to give people courage and confidence to achieve their professional and personal goals, regardless of skin color or origin. Many thanks to the wonderful ladies Andrea, Kerstin, Christiane and Lydienne, from@kidsofcolourvilsbiburg, for making this possible. O d The exhibition takes place as part of the International Weeks Against Racism – in cooperation with: AMI, Working Group Solidarity World, Buntes Miteinander Geisenhausen, cbw, DGB, Kids of Color, KJSW, Landshut Museum, VALA